tirsdag den 29. maj 2012
søndag den 27. maj 2012
Destined (House of Night, #9)
What I really hate about this series, is that you'll have to wait so long for the next book. Especially I, because I have to wait till it comes to Denmark, then a library has to buy it so I can order it there, and again I have to wait a long time to receive the book. And when I finally get it, I forget what happened in the last.
Spoiler: It took me by surprise, that Urox was made of Jonathan's soul. I've totally forgotten such an important fact!
What also makes me mad, is that they in the danish translation of the book has different names! So when I just read a book in English, and then the next book in Danish, I have to think again: who's who? I could maybe just hold me to one language, but I borrow the book that comes to me fastest - I don't want to wait longer than necessarily.
Anyway, here's what the book is about (again, copied form Goodreads - sorry guys, but I'm just to lazy to write it myself.) :
Zoey is finally home where she belongs, safe with her Guardian Warrior, Stark, by her side, and preparing to face off against Neferet—which would be a whole lot easier if the High Counsel saw the ex-High Priestess for what she really is. Kalona has released his hold on Rephaim, and, through Nyx’s gift of a human form, Rephaim and Stevie Rae are finally able to be together—if he can truly walk the path of the Goddess and stay free of his father’s shadow...
But there are new forces at work at the House of Night. An influx of humans, including Lenobia’s handsome horse whisperer, threatens their precarious stability. And then there’s the mysterious Aurox, a jaw-droppingly gorgeous teen boy who is actually more—or possibly less—than human. Only Neferet knows he was created to be her greatest weapon. But Zoey can sense the part of his soul that remains human, the compassion that wars with his Dark calling. And there’s something strangely familiar about him...
Will Neferet’s true nature be revealed before she succeeds in silencing them all? And will Zoey be able to touch Aurox’s humanity in time to protect him—and everyone—from his own fate? Find out what’s destined in the next thrilling chapter of the House of Night series.
So, I think the book was great and everything, but I missed something in this one, compared to the last one. I don't really know what. Maybe I really liked the last one because of Mary Ann's (or Stevie Rae - again the stupid translation!) and Rephraim finally figured it all out. I really liked the two as a couple, though I think it was a little bit creepy that she was in love with a raven mocker.
And what I really want in the next book, is find out what happens with Aphrodite and Darius relationship. Really, they are one of my favourite couples in this book, and Aphrodite is my favourite character. I sad that they weren't that important in this book. But I've given the book 4 stars on Goodreads, because it's good anyway.
Here are the previous books in the series, if you're interested:
Spoiler: It took me by surprise, that Urox was made of Jonathan's soul. I've totally forgotten such an important fact!
What also makes me mad, is that they in the danish translation of the book has different names! So when I just read a book in English, and then the next book in Danish, I have to think again: who's who? I could maybe just hold me to one language, but I borrow the book that comes to me fastest - I don't want to wait longer than necessarily.
Anyway, here's what the book is about (again, copied form Goodreads - sorry guys, but I'm just to lazy to write it myself.) :
Zoey is finally home where she belongs, safe with her Guardian Warrior, Stark, by her side, and preparing to face off against Neferet—which would be a whole lot easier if the High Counsel saw the ex-High Priestess for what she really is. Kalona has released his hold on Rephaim, and, through Nyx’s gift of a human form, Rephaim and Stevie Rae are finally able to be together—if he can truly walk the path of the Goddess and stay free of his father’s shadow...
But there are new forces at work at the House of Night. An influx of humans, including Lenobia’s handsome horse whisperer, threatens their precarious stability. And then there’s the mysterious Aurox, a jaw-droppingly gorgeous teen boy who is actually more—or possibly less—than human. Only Neferet knows he was created to be her greatest weapon. But Zoey can sense the part of his soul that remains human, the compassion that wars with his Dark calling. And there’s something strangely familiar about him...
Will Neferet’s true nature be revealed before she succeeds in silencing them all? And will Zoey be able to touch Aurox’s humanity in time to protect him—and everyone—from his own fate? Find out what’s destined in the next thrilling chapter of the House of Night series.
So, I think the book was great and everything, but I missed something in this one, compared to the last one. I don't really know what. Maybe I really liked the last one because of Mary Ann's (or Stevie Rae - again the stupid translation!) and Rephraim finally figured it all out. I really liked the two as a couple, though I think it was a little bit creepy that she was in love with a raven mocker.
And what I really want in the next book, is find out what happens with Aphrodite and Darius relationship. Really, they are one of my favourite couples in this book, and Aphrodite is my favourite character. I sad that they weren't that important in this book. But I've given the book 4 stars on Goodreads, because it's good anyway.
Here are the previous books in the series, if you're interested:

lørdag den 26. maj 2012
Storm Born - by Richelle Mead
Just finished this one yesterday.
Since I likes Richelle Meads' Vampire Academy-series, and Bloodlines, I decided reading this one.
From Goodreads:
Eugenie Markham is a powerful shaman who does a brisk trade banishing spirits and fey who cross into the mortal world. Mercenary, yes, but a girl's got to eat. Her most recent case, however, is enough to ruin her appetite. Hired to find a teenager who has been taken to the Otherworld, Eugenie comes face to face with a startling prophecy—one that uncovers dark secrets about her past and claims that Eugenie's first-born will threaten the future of the world as she knows it.
Now Eugenie is a hot target for every ambitious demon and Otherworldy ne'er-do-well, and the ones who don't want to knock her up want her dead. Eugenie handles a Glock as smoothly as she wields a wand, but she needs some formidable allies for a job like this. She finds them in Dorian, a seductive fairy king with a taste for bondage, and Kiyo, a gorgeous shape-shifter who redefines animal attraction. But with enemies growing bolder and time running out, Eugenie realizes that the greatest danger is yet to come, and it lies in the dark powers that are stirring to life within her...

And I'm planning on reading the rest of the series, *sigh*.
fredag den 25. maj 2012
Summer's up, and it means time for sunglasses!
And because I practically worship this invention (along with pockets, purses and flip-flops) I feel like showing mine...
Boom boom, and these are new. Just bought today
And because I practically worship this invention (along with pockets, purses and flip-flops) I feel like showing mine...
Ahr, these one are nice, though I look younger when I wear them, and they don't match all my clothes. I actually surprised me that they suited me when I tried them on for fun, so I bought them. (http://tiger.dk/) |
Boom boom, and these are new. Just bought today
Uh, sometime I'll by me some expensive, good quality sunglasses. I was thinking of Ray Ban (the one Bruno Mars is wearing in his music video) but I'm not much of a fashion runner really. Can't keep up with that shit, so I stopped trying.
Oh, and btw: sunglasses are not only a sexy fashion statement. They actually protect your eyes from eye-cancer. (I heard today) But only if you buy the one with UV protection in the glass.
onsdag den 23. maj 2012
I'm so happy and excited right know, so I've decided that I'll make a list of things that excites me:
1st: True Blood season 5 is on the way!
God, I've seen forward to this, like, in months! I have this girl in my class who loves vampire tv-series just as much as I do, and we always watch them together. True Blood is definitely our favourite. <3
Mmmmhmm, just can't wait to se the hot Eric Northman, og Alcide...
Yay. <3<3<3
(God, can't stop making this cheesy hearts...)
2nd: The wonderful weather. :)
Okay, I maybe stalk DMI to much, I know. But God, doesn't this look just wonderful? After maybe a half year of cold and snow and just to much rain, the sun is finally showing in fucking Denmark! I don't really know what I'm doing here, sitting and writing this, I should be outside...
I'm definitely a summer-girl. Even though I'm born in winter. I would gladly trade my birthday for nice weather the whole year through.
3rd: It's time for the summer vacation! 8)
Aaah, this is one of the best! In a little more than one week, I'll have examination study leave (I guess it's called so in English?) Anyway, the whole June I'll just have four exams, and do not a fuck the rest of the month! Well, I'll probably prepare for the exams some of the time, but come on, it's so much more relaxing than school. And at the end of June, I'd fly with my cousin to my dad in Canada! This is gonna be the best summer vacation ever!
4th: Snow white and the Huntsman
Though I have never watched this one, it looks good, and I'm so gonna watch this in cinema. There is this cute guy who also plays Thor in 'Thor' and 'The Avengers'. Mmm. <3
And I found out this song is a part of the soundtrack of the film:
Aaaah! I love Florence + The Machine. The film must be great, if the song is made for it!
... and NOW I'm going outside to enjoy the sun. ;)
1st: True Blood season 5 is on the way!
God, I've seen forward to this, like, in months! I have this girl in my class who loves vampire tv-series just as much as I do, and we always watch them together. True Blood is definitely our favourite. <3
Mmmmhmm, just can't wait to se the hot Eric Northman, og Alcide...
(God, can't stop making this cheesy hearts...)
2nd: The wonderful weather. :)
Okay, I maybe stalk DMI to much, I know. But God, doesn't this look just wonderful? After maybe a half year of cold and snow and just to much rain, the sun is finally showing in fucking Denmark! I don't really know what I'm doing here, sitting and writing this, I should be outside...
I'm definitely a summer-girl. Even though I'm born in winter. I would gladly trade my birthday for nice weather the whole year through.
3rd: It's time for the summer vacation! 8)
Aaah, this is one of the best! In a little more than one week, I'll have examination study leave (I guess it's called so in English?) Anyway, the whole June I'll just have four exams, and do not a fuck the rest of the month! Well, I'll probably prepare for the exams some of the time, but come on, it's so much more relaxing than school. And at the end of June, I'd fly with my cousin to my dad in Canada! This is gonna be the best summer vacation ever!
4th: Snow white and the Huntsman
And I found out this song is a part of the soundtrack of the film:
... and NOW I'm going outside to enjoy the sun. ;)
søndag den 20. maj 2012
Oh, finally it looks like we could get some summer here in Denmark. :D

I recommend you to read the whole Vampire Academy-series before you read 'Bloodlines', cause the end will be revealed in some parts of the book. That kind of sucked, because I haven't read the last book - 'Last Sacrifice' - yet. The library just got it home this weekend. But the book is good - much better than the whole Rose-Dmitri-Andrew triangle-drama that is just annoying to read about - I've read to many books about this shit. Why can't the girl for God's sake choose one fucking guy and get over it? I mean, it's not like she makes it a lot of easier for everyone.
'Defiance' was a little bit boring in the beginning, and somewhere in the middle I considered stop reading it, but I figured I could at least finish it. I'm not so sure whether I'll read the next one. I've had enough of triangle-dramas.
Oh, I almost forgot: my bf and I are going to the cinema tomorrow. We're watching 'Dark Shadows'.
God, I love Johnny Depp! I think the film will be good any way - just because he's in it. d:
I think I'll wear all the summer dresses I have next week, so I can be sure to use them all this summer, haha.
Btw, I sometimes write my posts in Danish, so you'll have to translate if you want to read it.
And I finished reading this two books:

'Defiance' was a little bit boring in the beginning, and somewhere in the middle I considered stop reading it, but I figured I could at least finish it. I'm not so sure whether I'll read the next one. I've had enough of triangle-dramas.
Oh, I almost forgot: my bf and I are going to the cinema tomorrow. We're watching 'Dark Shadows'.
fredag den 18. maj 2012
Løvernes Konge (The Lion King)
Kr. Himmelfart tog jeg med kæresten til Hamborg for at se 'König der Löwen' (løvernes konge) musical. Vi kom lidt for sent til forestillingen (for satan, hvor er der lorte bytrafik i den møgby!), og havde selvfølgelig ekstrem stress (han sagde efterfølgende: "Jeg er blevet 10 år ældre i dag!"). Billetterne var nemlig mega dyre - omkring 100 euro - og de gjaldt ikke hvis de kom for sent. Men vi fik så heldigvis lov til at komme ind til 'Nacheinlass', altså 8 minutter inde i forestillingen ved sceneskift, så vi ikke forstyrrede folk.
Og hold kæft hvor var det bare pengene værd!
Jeg er nok aldrig blevet så kulturelt beriget, som efter jeg havde set musicalen. Hold da op, hvor var den bare helt igennem gennemført, og der var hverken sparet på farver, kostumer, rekvisitter og alt andet. I starten tænkte man bare: Hvordan pokker vil de leve op til filmen?
De har bare klaret den beyond good. Jeg var specielt vild med den måde de lavede scenen på, hvor Simba løver væk fra gnuerne og Mufassa redder ham og dør. Jeg kan ikke beskrive hvordan det så ud, men jeg fik helt gåsehud! Også når de skulle lave junglen, stillede de ikke bare buske og græs op som rekvisitter. Næh, nej, de klædte folk ud i græs og farvestrålende tøj, og de dansede rundt mellem skuespillerne på scenen, hvilket gav en helt enestående levende effekt.
Skuespillerne blev heller ikke gemt bagved maskerne. De havde dem oven over hovedet, og hver gang de bøjede sig bare en anelse gled de op foran deres ansigt. Nogle gange løb de endda rundt på scenen med dyr-figur i hænderne, hvilket gjorde det til en unik oplevelse at se, hvordan stykket blev realiseret, i stedet for at gemme alle mennesker under kostumer og masker. Det var ingen billige nylon-kostumer her - alt var bodypaint, silketørklæder, perler og bambus. Og farver - masser af smukke, strålende farver.
Alt musikken var live, og endda skuepillerne sang med egne stemmer mens de dansede rundt på scenen. Allerbedst var dog hende der spillede Rafikki (bavianen). Hendes stemme kunne få hele salen til at vibrere.
Og gud, hvor var Timon og Pumba bare epic! Jeg tror vidst heller ingen blev skuffet der. ;)
Kort sagt, var det bare så meget pengene og ventetiden værd, og en oplevelse man skal prøve mindst en gang i sit liv, ellers er det sgu forgæves! Det var den bedste fødselsdagsgave jeg nogensinde kunne ønske mig, og som jeg vil huske for evigt.
Du kan læse om musical og se billeder her: http://www.stage-entertainment.de/musicals/koenig-der-loewen/koenig-der-loewen.html
- der kan du også bestille billetter. ;)
Og hold kæft hvor var det bare pengene værd!
Jeg er nok aldrig blevet så kulturelt beriget, som efter jeg havde set musicalen. Hold da op, hvor var den bare helt igennem gennemført, og der var hverken sparet på farver, kostumer, rekvisitter og alt andet. I starten tænkte man bare: Hvordan pokker vil de leve op til filmen?
De har bare klaret den beyond good. Jeg var specielt vild med den måde de lavede scenen på, hvor Simba løver væk fra gnuerne og Mufassa redder ham og dør. Jeg kan ikke beskrive hvordan det så ud, men jeg fik helt gåsehud! Også når de skulle lave junglen, stillede de ikke bare buske og græs op som rekvisitter. Næh, nej, de klædte folk ud i græs og farvestrålende tøj, og de dansede rundt mellem skuespillerne på scenen, hvilket gav en helt enestående levende effekt.
Skuespillerne blev heller ikke gemt bagved maskerne. De havde dem oven over hovedet, og hver gang de bøjede sig bare en anelse gled de op foran deres ansigt. Nogle gange løb de endda rundt på scenen med dyr-figur i hænderne, hvilket gjorde det til en unik oplevelse at se, hvordan stykket blev realiseret, i stedet for at gemme alle mennesker under kostumer og masker. Det var ingen billige nylon-kostumer her - alt var bodypaint, silketørklæder, perler og bambus. Og farver - masser af smukke, strålende farver.
Alt musikken var live, og endda skuepillerne sang med egne stemmer mens de dansede rundt på scenen. Allerbedst var dog hende der spillede Rafikki (bavianen). Hendes stemme kunne få hele salen til at vibrere.
Og gud, hvor var Timon og Pumba bare epic! Jeg tror vidst heller ingen blev skuffet der. ;)
Kort sagt, var det bare så meget pengene og ventetiden værd, og en oplevelse man skal prøve mindst en gang i sit liv, ellers er det sgu forgæves! Det var den bedste fødselsdagsgave jeg nogensinde kunne ønske mig, og som jeg vil huske for evigt.

Du kan læse om musical og se billeder her: http://www.stage-entertainment.de/musicals/koenig-der-loewen/koenig-der-loewen.html
- der kan du også bestille billetter. ;)
torsdag den 10. maj 2012
manager vol. 2
Hi, just wanted to blog this collage I've made:
I'm the girl with the green, heart-shaped sunglasses. d:
(I just really turn out bad on pictures. ._.)
I'm the girl with the green, heart-shaped sunglasses. d:
(I just really turn out bad on pictures. ._.)
tirsdag den 8. maj 2012
Vampire tv-series
I really like watching tv-series, and especially the supernatural ones. And I watch A LOT of vampire tv-series. Here are the ones I watch:
The older vampire tv-series:
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Filmed: 1993 (until 2003, I think?)
Seasons: 7 (144 episodes)
More info: IMDb
I think this one is based on the film 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer'. It's about this girl, Buffy, who is Chosen to be a vampire slayer. In this one vampires aren't good (like fx in Twilight). They are vicious creatures that has to be staked down in order to be killed. Of course, vampires aren't the only supernatural creatures that she fights, or else the series would be boring. And she has her friends to help her, and a lot of, er, not regular boyfriends.
Though the series are old, I really liked them. They are catchy, interesting and exciting. It doesn't only follow Buffy as a slayer, but also as a teenage-girl who tries to get her life together.
Filmed: 1999-2004
Seasons: 5 (110 episodes)
More info: IMDb
This one is actually about one of Buffy's ex-boyfriends who keeps returning - the 'good' vampire Angel. The serie starts, when Angel moves away from Sunnydale (where Buffy are living), and into L.A.. Here he makes an agency together with Cordelia and Wesley (you know them from Buffy) who hunts down and kills the supernaturals that threatens the human world.
I actually only watched this one until season 2, where I thought it was starting to get boring. But my friend urges me to start watching it again, so I'll do it someday. d:
The tv-series that are running right now:
Vampire Diaries
Began filming: 2009
Seasons so far: 3 (66 episodes)
More info: Their homepage
God, I love this one! It contains the three thing every vampire-serie should have: violence, blood and sex. A lot of it. In every fucking episode. That's just awesome.
It maybe sounds crazy, but seriously, you should watch it! It's the most genius thing that's ever made! And there is this actor, Alexander Skarsgaard (playing Eric Northman), he's just.... MMmmmm!
Twilight is nothing compared to this, btw. This is the real deal - it's so crazy and surrealistic, which definitely makes the plot great.
The older vampire tv-series:
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Filmed: 1993 (until 2003, I think?)
Seasons: 7 (144 episodes)
More info: IMDb

Though the series are old, I really liked them. They are catchy, interesting and exciting. It doesn't only follow Buffy as a slayer, but also as a teenage-girl who tries to get her life together.
Filmed: 1999-2004
Seasons: 5 (110 episodes)
More info: IMDb

I actually only watched this one until season 2, where I thought it was starting to get boring. But my friend urges me to start watching it again, so I'll do it someday. d:
The tv-series that are running right now:
Vampire Diaries
Began filming: 2009
Seasons so far: 3 (66 episodes)
More info: Their homepage

This is a story about two brothers obsessed with one girl. There's of course a lot of other things going on, and there are other characters which live you follow, but it's mostly the three main characters: the ordinary human girl, Elena Gilbert and the two sexy, mysterious brothers Stefan and Damon Salvatore.
There are a lot of really hot male-actors in this serie - and I personally prefer Paul Wesley (Stefan Salvatore), one of the Salvatore-brothers. Most people like Damon because he looks better, but Stefan has this brooding, intense-eye-thing going on, which I think is extreme sexy. (He's btw the guy in the middle of the picture - Damon is the one on the right.) The girl in the middle is Elena, which I think is a major bitch of the series (she's just tossing around between the two Salvatore-brothers, and breaks their hearts - by my opinion) - but also a head character. I just wait for her to die, which of course will not happen, because the main characters never die. She probably ends up with Stefan, sigh.
There are a lot of really hot male-actors in this serie - and I personally prefer Paul Wesley (Stefan Salvatore), one of the Salvatore-brothers. Most people like Damon because he looks better, but Stefan has this brooding, intense-eye-thing going on, which I think is extreme sexy. (He's btw the guy in the middle of the picture - Damon is the one on the right.) The girl in the middle is Elena, which I think is a major bitch of the series (she's just tossing around between the two Salvatore-brothers, and breaks their hearts - by my opinion) - but also a head character. I just wait for her to die, which of course will not happen, because the main characters never die. She probably ends up with Stefan, sigh.
Anyway, besides that Vampire Diaries is really good, so watch it.
And the last serie - also my favourite:
True Blood
In a world where vampires have "come out of the coffin", Sookie
Stackhouse, a telepathic waitress, discovers a new world of different
creatures when she meets Bill Compton, a vampire.
God, I love this one! It contains the three thing every vampire-serie should have: violence, blood and sex. A lot of it. In every fucking episode. That's just awesome.
It maybe sounds crazy, but seriously, you should watch it! It's the most genius thing that's ever made! And there is this actor, Alexander Skarsgaard (playing Eric Northman), he's just.... MMmmmm!
Twilight is nothing compared to this, btw. This is the real deal - it's so crazy and surrealistic, which definitely makes the plot great.
You can watch the series online here:
mandag den 7. maj 2012
søndag den 6. maj 2012
SSS Manager
So Wednesday and Thursday afternoon there was this thing at my school called manager. First I heard about it, it thought: Football? No way! I suck.
Later, I joined it anyway, 'cause I heard that it is fun. So here's what I found out:
When you're joining it, you are written on a list, and then sold among 500 other people who has joined (we're like 900-something students on our school/high school, whatever you call it) to some guys/girls called managers for an imaginary price. There are 17-20 players on a team, and around 30 different teams. Each team has a theme (Batman, Baywatch, Aliens, etc - and my team, The Royals) and so you build up your own camp and play football against the other teams.
Well, playing football is maybe to much said. That's when I found out later, when we gathered some moneys to buy uniforms, food and most important of all: alcohol. You're like 15 minuttes out on the play field the hole tournament (you can also choose not to be on the field at all!), and the rest of the time you drink. A lot.
First our team got sponsored by Royal Unibrew (danish beer-company), and they promised us like, 180 pallets of bear, but our manager screwed it up, because the company had said they should get it before Friday, and they came Saturday. But we got some alcohol anyway.
Later they also lost the tarpaulin for our tent, so they just stole one. Jeez.
But besides that, it was really cool. It was hot both days, and I got sunburned.
I talked to some great people, ate a lot of sausages, pizza and snack and played really bad football. Besides the fails, my team was kind of cool - a bunch of nice people.
On my team was a guy, Victor, from Litany (or Letland? Whatever.) Later I found out they also speak Russian there (I honestly didn't know!). So at the end of the day we were standing there looking at the whole field where people slowly cleaned up, he told me:
Victor: "В России или в Германии или в каких нибудь других школах такого бы не когда в жизни не сделали." (They would never arrange such a thing in Russia, Germany or other schools.)
I: "Нет, такое толко бывает в Дании." (No, such thing does only exist in Denmark.)
He was really drunk the whole weekend. And my legs hurt after running around on the field, in Sønderborg and later in Dybbøl where we ate together before going to party in town (Sønderborg).
I think I'll definitely join manager again next year.
Later, I joined it anyway, 'cause I heard that it is fun. So here's what I found out:
When you're joining it, you are written on a list, and then sold among 500 other people who has joined (we're like 900-something students on our school/high school, whatever you call it) to some guys/girls called managers for an imaginary price. There are 17-20 players on a team, and around 30 different teams. Each team has a theme (Batman, Baywatch, Aliens, etc - and my team, The Royals) and so you build up your own camp and play football against the other teams.
Well, playing football is maybe to much said. That's when I found out later, when we gathered some moneys to buy uniforms, food and most important of all: alcohol. You're like 15 minuttes out on the play field the hole tournament (you can also choose not to be on the field at all!), and the rest of the time you drink. A lot.
First our team got sponsored by Royal Unibrew (danish beer-company), and they promised us like, 180 pallets of bear, but our manager screwed it up, because the company had said they should get it before Friday, and they came Saturday. But we got some alcohol anyway.
Later they also lost the tarpaulin for our tent, so they just stole one. Jeez.
But besides that, it was really cool. It was hot both days, and I got sunburned.
I talked to some great people, ate a lot of sausages, pizza and snack and played really bad football. Besides the fails, my team was kind of cool - a bunch of nice people.
On my team was a guy, Victor, from Litany (or Letland? Whatever.) Later I found out they also speak Russian there (I honestly didn't know!). So at the end of the day we were standing there looking at the whole field where people slowly cleaned up, he told me:
Victor: "В России или в Германии или в каких нибудь других школах такого бы не когда в жизни не сделали." (They would never arrange such a thing in Russia, Germany or other schools.)
I: "Нет, такое толко бывает в Дании." (No, such thing does only exist in Denmark.)
That's where we played manager. The white tents are camps of the different teams. |
In case you're wondering: no that's not me on the picture. Just some random chick. I have a talent of avoiding cameras. Anyway, she's drinking from something Danes call a 'ølbon'. It's a thing that 'helps' you swallow the beer as fast as possible, 'cause many people actually don't like beer - but drink it anyway. I don't really get that - why do you drink something you don't like? And why do you try to force it down your throat with a ølbong? Maybe I'm just to Russian for this tradition. |
He was really drunk the whole weekend. And my legs hurt after running around on the field, in Sønderborg and later in Dybbøl where we ate together before going to party in town (Sønderborg).
I think I'll definitely join manager again next year.
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