The older vampire tv-series:
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Filmed: 1993 (until 2003, I think?)
Seasons: 7 (144 episodes)
More info: IMDb

Though the series are old, I really liked them. They are catchy, interesting and exciting. It doesn't only follow Buffy as a slayer, but also as a teenage-girl who tries to get her life together.
Filmed: 1999-2004
Seasons: 5 (110 episodes)
More info: IMDb

I actually only watched this one until season 2, where I thought it was starting to get boring. But my friend urges me to start watching it again, so I'll do it someday. d:
The tv-series that are running right now:
Vampire Diaries
Began filming: 2009
Seasons so far: 3 (66 episodes)
More info: Their homepage

This is a story about two brothers obsessed with one girl. There's of course a lot of other things going on, and there are other characters which live you follow, but it's mostly the three main characters: the ordinary human girl, Elena Gilbert and the two sexy, mysterious brothers Stefan and Damon Salvatore.
There are a lot of really hot male-actors in this serie - and I personally prefer Paul Wesley (Stefan Salvatore), one of the Salvatore-brothers. Most people like Damon because he looks better, but Stefan has this brooding, intense-eye-thing going on, which I think is extreme sexy. (He's btw the guy in the middle of the picture - Damon is the one on the right.) The girl in the middle is Elena, which I think is a major bitch of the series (she's just tossing around between the two Salvatore-brothers, and breaks their hearts - by my opinion) - but also a head character. I just wait for her to die, which of course will not happen, because the main characters never die. She probably ends up with Stefan, sigh.
There are a lot of really hot male-actors in this serie - and I personally prefer Paul Wesley (Stefan Salvatore), one of the Salvatore-brothers. Most people like Damon because he looks better, but Stefan has this brooding, intense-eye-thing going on, which I think is extreme sexy. (He's btw the guy in the middle of the picture - Damon is the one on the right.) The girl in the middle is Elena, which I think is a major bitch of the series (she's just tossing around between the two Salvatore-brothers, and breaks their hearts - by my opinion) - but also a head character. I just wait for her to die, which of course will not happen, because the main characters never die. She probably ends up with Stefan, sigh.
Anyway, besides that Vampire Diaries is really good, so watch it.
And the last serie - also my favourite:
True Blood
In a world where vampires have "come out of the coffin", Sookie
Stackhouse, a telepathic waitress, discovers a new world of different
creatures when she meets Bill Compton, a vampire.
God, I love this one! It contains the three thing every vampire-serie should have: violence, blood and sex. A lot of it. In every fucking episode. That's just awesome.
It maybe sounds crazy, but seriously, you should watch it! It's the most genius thing that's ever made! And there is this actor, Alexander Skarsgaard (playing Eric Northman), he's just.... MMmmmm!
Twilight is nothing compared to this, btw. This is the real deal - it's so crazy and surrealistic, which definitely makes the plot great.
You can watch the series online here:
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