tirsdag den 1. maj 2012


God I'm addicted to this TV-serie. My boyfriend should never have introduced me to it!
He borrowed the first three seasons on DVD by his parents, and we started to watch it together last  month. It is so f*cking exciting!
It's about a plane who crash on a lonely island, and there are about 42 survivors (well, some of them die later in the episodes) and a handful of them are these main characters you follow through the episodes. While they try to survive on the island - 'cause no one is coming to save them, mwahahaha - you also learn about their past, what they did before the crash and what kind of people they were.
And meanwhile there happens some crazy, mystic stuff on the island that isn't really explainable. A gigantic something that runs around in the jungle, killing of the people, or the question they have to face all the time: are there other people on the island besides them? Who are they? And more important, what are their intentions?
Nothing is what it seams to be, and soon you'll have to question what's real and what's not real, because these series mindfuckes you completely. There are always unsolved cases, and in every episode something new happens.
The people are also faced by normal human problem: lack of medicine, food, falling in love, being an outsider etc.

My favourite persons are probably Sawyer and the little black boy Walt. Sawyer is like this very, VERY hot but arrogant, egoistic ass hole who doesn't want to share anything with the others, and who always have a smart sarcastic comment ready to use. But god, he's awesome.

And Walt is just this little cute afro-american boy who survived the crash together with his father. He always has his black lab, Vincent, around. You just can't not love him, he's so adorable. Later in the series you discover, that he isn't quite the normal child...

Anyway, right now we're somewhere in the middle of season one, and I'm sooo caught up. The worst thing is, that my boyfriend had watched all the seasons, but he wont tell me anything! Grrr.
He probably thinks that I just visit him, so I can watch Lost. Hmmm...
Here's btw the teaser (the best I could find):

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