Guuud, hvor jeg hader at pakke. .___. Og jeg siger det hver gang. Man burde opfinde sådan en taske de har i Harry Potter. Hokus pokus, og hele dit klædeskab ligger i en clutch. Nå, men en kvinde må gøre hvad hun skal gøre, og jeg er langt fra færdig, selvom der næsten ikke er mere plads i kufferten... (til mit forsvar skal der så lige sigen at gaverne fylder 1/3 af pladsen!)
Heldigvis har jeg jo Frodo til at hjælpe mig. ;)
onsdag den 27. juni 2012
tirsdag den 26. juni 2012
I was to my oral art-exam today, and got a 10 (B). That's okay, if you consider that my only talent lies in drawing pictures, and not analysing them. ._. But I've worked a lot on my project, so I kindda hoped for a 12 (A). Well, nevermind.
Here's my project, btw:
I personally think the one without colours is better, but I've really made a beautiful heaven on the other.
Anyway, this was my last exam, so now I have summer holidays! :D Today I'll go to work for the last time this month, because I'm going to Canada on Thursday.
I should maybe consider to pack now...
But I'm so excited, generally because I can pack my schoolstuff away until 15th August, but of course I'm also looking very much forward to Canada. :)
Cheers, and have a great holiday.
I was to my oral art-exam today, and got a 10 (B). That's okay, if you consider that my only talent lies in drawing pictures, and not analysing them. ._. But I've worked a lot on my project, so I kindda hoped for a 12 (A). Well, nevermind.
Here's my project, btw:
I personally think the one without colours is better, but I've really made a beautiful heaven on the other.
Anyway, this was my last exam, so now I have summer holidays! :D Today I'll go to work for the last time this month, because I'm going to Canada on Thursday.
I should maybe consider to pack now...
But I'm so excited, generally because I can pack my schoolstuff away until 15th August, but of course I'm also looking very much forward to Canada. :)
Cheers, and have a great holiday.
søndag den 24. juni 2012
I don't have a favourite song, but I really like this two right now:
I generally like Red Hot Chili Peppers. They make really great music - it's just so chill, and sounds so right. Sweet music to my ears. ;)
And this one:
My dad says that he can't sing, but I just love his husky, manly voice. And most important, his music is great in a sort of rough way. It makes you feel reckless in a good kind of way. This song is not an exception. ;)
Red Hot Chili Peppers: Otherside
And this one:
Nickelback: S.E.X.
red hot chili peppers,
Hi blog,
just finished my watercolour-drawing for the art exam. :) I'll post it all in here after I've been to the exam on Tuesday, 'cause I don't think it such a good idea to show it other people before my teacher and the censor gets to see it. But if I should say something, I think that my drawing with pencil is better than my watercolour drawing. Watercolours are so hard to control. (Speaking of art exam, I should probably start making my speaking-paper instead of blogging. .__.)
Anyway, I'd be so great when the exam is over, and I finally can prepare for my trip to Canada. Well, honestly I hate packing, and travelling of at long timespan, but I'm exited for finally leaving Europe and seeing something new. I love travelling and experience new areas and cultures.
For the long flight my boyfriend promised to download me LOST season 2 (yaaay!), or some other films I haven't seen before on my iPod, so I won't get bored in the plane. And I'm planning on taking (at least) 2-3 books with me. :x I really hope there's enough room in my luggage.
I checked the weatherrepport, and I found out they have the most awesome weather in Montreal.. mmmhmm. <3 I'm so much looking forward to that, especially after this hell of rain in fucking Denmark. Jeez, sometimes I wonder why I even live here. <_<'
Uh, and I also cleaned up my room, bathroom and guest room today. You always get that good feeling afterwards, because you did something useful.
Hmm, now I probably shold prepare for the exam. Gaaarg, pull myself together. ._.
- Flat-ironed hair guarantees a great hair day. ;)
just finished my watercolour-drawing for the art exam. :) I'll post it all in here after I've been to the exam on Tuesday, 'cause I don't think it such a good idea to show it other people before my teacher and the censor gets to see it. But if I should say something, I think that my drawing with pencil is better than my watercolour drawing. Watercolours are so hard to control. (Speaking of art exam, I should probably start making my speaking-paper instead of blogging. .__.)
Anyway, I'd be so great when the exam is over, and I finally can prepare for my trip to Canada. Well, honestly I hate packing, and travelling of at long timespan, but I'm exited for finally leaving Europe and seeing something new. I love travelling and experience new areas and cultures.
For the long flight my boyfriend promised to download me LOST season 2 (yaaay!), or some other films I haven't seen before on my iPod, so I won't get bored in the plane. And I'm planning on taking (at least) 2-3 books with me. :x I really hope there's enough room in my luggage.
I checked the weatherrepport, and I found out they have the most awesome weather in Montreal.. mmmhmm. <3 I'm so much looking forward to that, especially after this hell of rain in fucking Denmark. Jeez, sometimes I wonder why I even live here. <_<'
Uh, and I also cleaned up my room, bathroom and guest room today. You always get that good feeling afterwards, because you did something useful.
Hmm, now I probably shold prepare for the exam. Gaaarg, pull myself together. ._.
- Flat-ironed hair guarantees a great hair day. ;)
lørdag den 23. juni 2012
Phonetone :D
Guess some of us know this one:
"Hmmm, what a great song. Who is singing that... Oh fuck! That's my phone!"
- it happend to me twice now. My ringtone is so swag.
"Hmmm, what a great song. Who is singing that... Oh fuck! That's my phone!"
- it happend to me twice now. My ringtone is so swag.
fredag den 22. juni 2012
Billedkunstprojekt vol. 2
Eftersom jeg har lavet mit værk som en blyantstegning, har jeg også besluttet mig for at lave det i akvarel. Jeg elsker at male i akvarel, og det scorer nok bonuspoint hos censoren hvis jeg kommer med lidt ekstra (jeg ville jo oprindelig have lavet værket i akvarel, men kom så til at lave 'for meget' med blyant.) Så jeg er startet i dag:
![]() |
I kan se et hjørne af min første tegning oppe i venstre hjørne. Den er faktisk blevet pæn god, og jeg lægger den herind når jeg er færdig med eksamen. :) |
Den del jeg hader mest ved akvarel, er skitsen med blyant først. Det tager altid så lang tid og er ret kedeligt. Men så er jeg færdig, og slår mig løs med penslen og mine gamle farver - som jeg nok har haft i over 10 år, eller noget. o:
Jeg er blevet færdig med hele himlen i dag, og laver resten i morgen formiddag, hvis jeg kan nå det. Jeg har brugt næsten hele min blå farve. d:
Ellers skal jeg hen til min kærestes forældre i morgen - sammen med min kæreste selvfølgelig. Hans søster og hendes kæreste kommer også, så det bliver nok hyggeligt. Og mindst lige så akavet. :I
Hvad skal jeg tage på?
So, I was to a sort of International Marked in Søndeborg today, and bough the most delicious cakes and cookies from Netherlands.

It's like the biggest cookie ever! 8D <3
And people says that size isn't what matters...

It's like the biggest cookie ever! 8D <3
And people says that size isn't what matters...
onsdag den 20. juni 2012
Canada :)
Jeg skal til Canada om ikke så længe... en uge faktisk, nu hvor jeg tænker over det. Først tager jeg toget fra Flensborg til Stuttgart d. 28 juni, og derfra tager jeg flyet næste dag sammen med min fætter til Montreal. Vi skal flyve i 7 timer. :s Det bliver slemt, og vi får nok en ordentlig omgang jet-lag når vi ankommer - der er -6 timers forskel mellem Canada og Danmark.
Nå, men vi skal bo hos min far som bor i nærheden af Montreal med sin familie. Han har taget en uge fri fra arbejde, for at tage os rundt i området. Han har endda udarbejdet en tour-map:
Så det bliver godt. <3 Og jeg glæder mig.
Nå, men vi skal bo hos min far som bor i nærheden af Montreal med sin familie. Han har taget en uge fri fra arbejde, for at tage os rundt i området. Han har endda udarbejdet en tour-map:
Så det bliver godt. <3 Og jeg glæder mig.
tirsdag den 19. juni 2012
Tiden der gik...
Hold da op, det her halvår er gået hurtigere end nogensinde før. Så skal kalenderen snart vendes om, men de gode minder bliver aldrig glemt. :)
mandag den 18. juni 2012
Funny videos
Okay I just talked with my (girl)friend on Skype, and we relived some awesome videos from youtube.
There's fx this one: Hilarious Marathon Finish
Jeez! First time I watched this one, was in English. I accidently found it on facebook, and pushed play. God, I though I'd die. I really tried not to laugh, but you know how that is - when you may not laugh, there no chance that you can stop it. I though I should die, strangled in my own laugh, which I tried to hold back. My friend saw what I watched, and started to laugh to. And boy, my English teacher got mad. But seriously, that was the best English lesson ever.
My favourite part of the video is 0:35. Enjoy. ;)
And then there is this one:
My friend told me, that they're saying: "If you're afraid of something, then you're a loser" - or something like that. God, it' so hilarous! Especially the 5 sec. as they notice the snake and just stare at it. :D Priceless!
There's fx this one: Hilarious Marathon Finish
My favourite part of the video is 0:35. Enjoy. ;)
And then there is this one:
Hej igen, for tredje gang i dag.
Jeg skal til billedkunst eksamen om 8 dage, og derfor har jeg indset at jeg nok heller må færdiggøre mit projekt og få læst op på pensumet. Her er en lille forsmag på hvad jeg laver:
Mit tema er 'storbyen' og jeg har valgt at personificere den gennem en halvsovende kvinde der trækker et tæppe - natten - hen over byen bag hende. Tja, så langt er jeg lige nu. Jeg mangler stadigvæk en del bygninger, og så skal jeg gå i gang med akvarel.
... og jeg må vidst heller gå i gang nu, i stedet for at lade mig distrahere. d:
Jeg skal til billedkunst eksamen om 8 dage, og derfor har jeg indset at jeg nok heller må færdiggøre mit projekt og få læst op på pensumet. Her er en lille forsmag på hvad jeg laver:
Undskyld uskarpheden, mit webcam sutter. |
... og jeg må vidst heller gå i gang nu, i stedet for at lade mig distrahere. d:
Hej blog,
jeg har så valgt at skrive det her indlæg på dansk.
Har været i H&M igen i dag - for fjerde gang i løbet af to uger. Du fatter bare ikke hvor mange penge jeg bruger i den butik. ._. Til mit forsvar skal det så lige siges at jeg var der i dag for at købe gave til en veninde jeg skal til fest hos på onsdag, OG fordi jeg skulle bytte en bh.
Nå, men jeg kunne ikke dy mig for at købe et par andre ting med, mens jeg nu var der. <__<
Normalt blogger jeg ikke om tøj - jeg har ikke den fjerneste forstand på mode, jeg er altid to skridt bagud. Men jeg synes lige at jeg ville vise hvad jeg havde købt i løbet af de fire gange jeg havde været der:
Bluse, by L.O.G.G.- 79,95 kr.
Det var et eller andet salgs udsalg der - sikkert fordi de skulle have en ny kollektion ind - så det benyttede jeg mig da af. :-)
jeg har så valgt at skrive det her indlæg på dansk.
Har været i H&M igen i dag - for fjerde gang i løbet af to uger. Du fatter bare ikke hvor mange penge jeg bruger i den butik. ._. Til mit forsvar skal det så lige siges at jeg var der i dag for at købe gave til en veninde jeg skal til fest hos på onsdag, OG fordi jeg skulle bytte en bh.
Nå, men jeg kunne ikke dy mig for at købe et par andre ting med, mens jeg nu var der. <__<
Normalt blogger jeg ikke om tøj - jeg har ikke den fjerneste forstand på mode, jeg er altid to skridt bagud. Men jeg synes lige at jeg ville vise hvad jeg havde købt i løbet af de fire gange jeg havde været der:
Sandaler - 100 kr. |

(latterligt dyrt, I know, men var helt forelsket.)
Bh - 99 kr. (nedsat til 50 kr.), Trusser - 60 kr (nedsat til 30 kr), Sokker til ballerinas - 3 stk. for 60 kr. (nedsat til 30 kr.), og Vanilla/ginger Lipbalm - 20 kr (nedsat til 10 kr.) |
Det var et eller andet salgs udsalg der - sikkert fordi de skulle have en ny kollektion ind - så det benyttede jeg mig da af. :-)
Legend - by Marie Lu

Okay, wow this book was simply amazing! One of the best sci-fi dystopia I've ever read! The beginning was a little dull, because I kind of just waiting for June and Day to meet, but a little later in the book, I just couldn't let go of it.
What thrilled me about this book, that small pieces of informations and revelations were given in small amounts through the whole plot - just enough to get you glued to the book all the way through the end.
Dark secrets were revealed, and you slowly got all the way under the surface of the system of the state in the book, and discovered at last how corrupt the whole shit was.
You got the story from two points of view: the boy, that lived in the streets and desperately tried to get some plague cure for his family, and the girl, who had scored the highest amount of points in the Trial, and were therefore wealthy and attended a good military university.
And at last, at the two people and their two worlds crash together and change each other. So thrilling!
What I didn't like about the book though, was the fact that you almost didn't get anything to know about the war between the Republic and the Colonies. Who started the war? Why did it even start? What the hell is happening in the Colonies? Nobody knows.
And what about the title? How does it relate to the book?
So I'd give the book ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☺ (4,5 out of 5.)
søndag den 17. juni 2012
Music to kill the waiting time
Since I'm going to travel a lot of time (proximately 7 hours train to Stuttgart, and 7 hour flight to Montreal) I need some good music to keep me occupied. I've tried to make some kind of play list:
Well... it's going to take time to download it all. d: And probably more, since I'm not finished yet.
Well... it's going to take time to download it all. d: And probably more, since I'm not finished yet.
lørdag den 16. juni 2012
Snow White and the Huntsman
So as you know, because I told it like, twice, I was yesterday in the cinema and watched 'Snow White and the Huntsman'. It was really good. In spite of all the criticism about Kristen Stewart's way of acting, I though she played her role very well. So I wont listen to other peoples opinions about her any more, 'cause I think most of them just have pain in the ass, or hate her simply because she played Bella in 'Twilight'.
She was a very good choice for the role of Snow White - she isn't just that classic, pretty Hollywood-girl with big boobs, you may think they normally would take, because Snow White supposedly have to be very beautiful. She looked very simple and innocent in her brown dress, black hair, white skin and light red lips, and that's what made her look beautiful, and matched her role perfectly. I really likes Liam Hemsworth in the role as Huntsman. He looked pretty hot, in spite of dirt and greasy hair.
I also liked the background and scenes: the dark forest, the magic forest with the fairies, the castle and the sea around it... It was all very fairytale-alike, but tastefully. And the seven dwarfs were just adorably amazing! I like that they have made them tough warriors with swords and knifes.

I generally like the whole interpretation of the Disney-film. They had made it very action-film-like with the fights and death, and even a little scary, but still had kept the core of the story, the fairty-tale innocent and genuine good Snow White, the bad stepmother - here a witch, that sucks life out of innocent girls to keep staying young, and trying to take Snow White's heart, because it'll make her immortal, and of course the prince that had to wake up the dead/sleeping Snow White.
In this case it was a love triangle: The Huntsman, and a childhood friend of Snow White, William that both fell in love with her, and both had to kiss her, before she could wake up from her eternal sleep and defeat the mad queen/stepmother.

If I should say something I didn't like about the film, was the kisses. Both men only gave her like, little peks on the mouth. Well, of course they can't make up with a corpse, but I expected a little more later maybe.
I'll give the film ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☺ (4 out of 5.)
She was a very good choice for the role of Snow White - she isn't just that classic, pretty Hollywood-girl with big boobs, you may think they normally would take, because Snow White supposedly have to be very beautiful. She looked very simple and innocent in her brown dress, black hair, white skin and light red lips, and that's what made her look beautiful, and matched her role perfectly. I really likes Liam Hemsworth in the role as Huntsman. He looked pretty hot, in spite of dirt and greasy hair.
I also liked the background and scenes: the dark forest, the magic forest with the fairies, the castle and the sea around it... It was all very fairytale-alike, but tastefully. And the seven dwarfs were just adorably amazing! I like that they have made them tough warriors with swords and knifes.

I generally like the whole interpretation of the Disney-film. They had made it very action-film-like with the fights and death, and even a little scary, but still had kept the core of the story, the fairty-tale innocent and genuine good Snow White, the bad stepmother - here a witch, that sucks life out of innocent girls to keep staying young, and trying to take Snow White's heart, because it'll make her immortal, and of course the prince that had to wake up the dead/sleeping Snow White.
In this case it was a love triangle: The Huntsman, and a childhood friend of Snow White, William that both fell in love with her, and both had to kiss her, before she could wake up from her eternal sleep and defeat the mad queen/stepmother.

If I should say something I didn't like about the film, was the kisses. Both men only gave her like, little peks on the mouth. Well, of course they can't make up with a corpse, but I expected a little more later maybe.
I'll give the film ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☺ (4 out of 5.)
kristen stewart,
liam hemsworth,
seven dwarfs,
snow white
fredag den 15. juni 2012
It's Friday, gotta get down on Friday...

Anyway, later today I'd go to the cinema with a friend. We're going to watch 'Snow White and The Huntsman'. :D I guess I've posted a trailer some days ago. I'm really excited about the film, because Liam Hemsworth is attending - and boy he's hot! - because I like the way they interpret the original Disney-film 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' in this film. It makes it more mature, and more special in some kind of way... it's hard to explain. And I also hope Kristen Stewart will play her role good, in spite of a lot of criticism I heard about her acting.
Oh, and I finished my last writing exam yesterday. Now there's only one to go, and it will first be on the 26'th June. Have a great Friday, mates!
tirsdag den 12. juni 2012
Dirty Dancing
Ah, just found this one on facebook:
So gorgeous. <3 I really love Dirty Dancing, and will never grow tired of it.
So gorgeous. <3 I really love Dirty Dancing, and will never grow tired of it.
More books :)

Hey ya all.
I just finished 'Phantom' by Lisa J. Smith, but I really don't want to write a review. I can say the book is as good as all the other books in the Vampire Diaries series.
If you want you can read about the book and other peoples reviews here at Goodreads.
So, I just had my first exam this year - danish exam. We were supposed to sit whole, fucking 5 hours in front of our computer and write an essay. And if we were finished before time, we couldn't pack our things and go home, no we should just go outside and wait. Jeez. I finished one and a half hour before time, and went shopping with a girl friend. Tomorrow it will be English - again for 5 hours. Will I survive it? I think not.
Anyway, today at work (I work in a library, in case you're wondering) I spotted so many good books, that I had to borrow them, though I probably cant finish them all in two weeks, before I'll go to Canada. I'm really good at borrowing more books than I can read. So, here they are:

'Bloodrose' is the third book in the Nightshade series, and one I've waited for. So I was naturally exited to find it on the shelf.
'The future of us' is book by Jay Asher, the author of 'Thirteen reasons why', a book that I totally adore because it's so unique and goes right under your skin after the first 20 pages. So of course, this one must be as good. :)
'The gorgons gaze' I just borrowed because I've read the first one. The first one was OK, and I wouldn't be disappointed if I don't have time to read this one.
And at last, 'The Body Finder', because it sounded good on the back cover, and because I'm a sucker for the supernatural and love mixed in one book.
And now I have to read some English grammar so I wouldn't feel like a total idiot at the exam tomorrow.
onsdag den 6. juni 2012
Sagaen om Isfolket - Margit Sandemo
Well, hi again. :)
I really should be studying maths and English grammar for the exams next week, but it's so boring (especially English) so I get distracted all the time. The exams aren't really that important, because the don't count in my average mark, but I want good grades anyway, just to show that I can. :p I'm a perfectionist, can't really help it.
Anyway, now that I am distracted, I want to talk about the series called 'Sagaen om Isfolket' (and in English apparently: The Legend of the Ice People). It's a saga on 47 books (no shit) that follows a family - The Ice People - through many generations. We are talking here about a time-expand from the late 1500 until... well I'm at the book 18 right now, and here we are around the 1750. (So the plot of the first books plays in the late 1500).
The reason we are following this family, is because they are not ordinary. Long time ago, a member of the family, Tengel, sold his soul to the devil, and in exchange the devil demanded that in every generation there will be born a cursed, evil child - with super natural skills - that will serve the devil. And it all continued, until the 16th century, when another cursed child was born, who choose the be good and use his magic skills to help people. And that where the books starts. He meets an ordinary, poor girl, Silja, marries her and gets children with her. Their children grow up, marry other common people, and so the generations goes on and on through the books.
The plot of the books follows the different members of the family through their live: war, love, adventures, travels and a fight against the evil magic of Tengel. And also all the way through the books, the family members are trying to break the curse of the evil Tengel, so there wont be born more cursed children. But they also have to be careful, because a lot of the common people may try to burn them on the stake for practising witchcraft.
I think the books are really great. They are different from any other books I've ever read, and I will try to read all 47 of them, though it may take a long time.
This is the book one in danish:
I really should be studying maths and English grammar for the exams next week, but it's so boring (especially English) so I get distracted all the time. The exams aren't really that important, because the don't count in my average mark, but I want good grades anyway, just to show that I can. :p I'm a perfectionist, can't really help it.
Anyway, now that I am distracted, I want to talk about the series called 'Sagaen om Isfolket' (and in English apparently: The Legend of the Ice People). It's a saga on 47 books (no shit) that follows a family - The Ice People - through many generations. We are talking here about a time-expand from the late 1500 until... well I'm at the book 18 right now, and here we are around the 1750. (So the plot of the first books plays in the late 1500).
The reason we are following this family, is because they are not ordinary. Long time ago, a member of the family, Tengel, sold his soul to the devil, and in exchange the devil demanded that in every generation there will be born a cursed, evil child - with super natural skills - that will serve the devil. And it all continued, until the 16th century, when another cursed child was born, who choose the be good and use his magic skills to help people. And that where the books starts. He meets an ordinary, poor girl, Silja, marries her and gets children with her. Their children grow up, marry other common people, and so the generations goes on and on through the books.
The plot of the books follows the different members of the family through their live: war, love, adventures, travels and a fight against the evil magic of Tengel. And also all the way through the books, the family members are trying to break the curse of the evil Tengel, so there wont be born more cursed children. But they also have to be careful, because a lot of the common people may try to burn them on the stake for practising witchcraft.
I think the books are really great. They are different from any other books I've ever read, and I will try to read all 47 of them, though it may take a long time.
This is the book one in danish:

søndag den 3. juni 2012
Last Sacrifice - by Richelle Mead
And now I am finish with the Vampire Academy series. :)
here's btw the resume (this is what stands on the back of the book):
The Queen is dead and the Moroi world will never be the same. Now, with Rose awaiting wrongful execution and Lissa in a deadly struggle for the royal throne, the girls find themselves forced to rely upon enemies and to question those they thought they could trust...
The Queen is dead and the Moroi world will never be the same. Now, with Rose awaiting wrongful execution and Lissa in a deadly struggle for the royal throne, the girls find themselves forced to rely upon enemies and to question those they thought they could trust...
But what if true freedom means sacrificing the most important thing of all? Each other.
(dum, dum, dum, duuuuuum....)
I just finished the last book - "Last Sacrifice" yesterday. I must say, that it totally lived up to my expectations. It was exciting all the way through, and the plot reached it's peak just before the end, when Rose, Dimitri and co. went back to the Court - which I think is a very important quality to a book. I also liked the way it worked out between Rose and Dimitri - seriously, I knew the whole series through that they were meant for each other, and was really mad for Rose for all her 'sidejumps'. But I feel pity for Adrian and his faith. I don't think that Rose treated him fair, and she deserves to be punished by her conscience. And then again, I thought at some point that Rose just was a mean bitch that tossed around with boys, until I read: "I still intended to confront Adrian. And if Dimitri wouldn't do what I asked, I really would walk away. I'd lose both men, but it was better be alone with my self-respect than be in the wrong relationship." (p. 486, the middle). I still think Rose should have figured it out sooner, but this statement made me definitely see her in a different way. She has developed a lot through the series.
And I really liked that Michael and Sonya found together again! That was one of the best parts!
Here are all the books in the series:

fredag den 1. juni 2012
Examination study leave
Okay, well sorry for the very non-creative heading. But this was my last (normal) school day before the summer holidays! The whole June we have examination study leave (called 'læseferie' in Danish). We also will attend some exams this month. I only have 3 annual examinations - in maths, English and Danish - which doesn't really count for anything in my average mark, and should be piece of cake (except maybe English... I really sucks at grammar). And the I'll have a oral exam in art, because I finish this subject this school year.
But I can't really believe how fast this school year has past by. I've developed my self so much in one year and learned so much more than I've ever learned in my 9-10 years of primary and lower secondary school (is it called so?). And everything so fast, that I can't believe that there only 2 years left, and then I'll have to attend an university. It's a great, but also a scary feeling.
I hope for a just as great new school year after the summer holidays. Here are some pic's to remind this one:
2) Aaaaaaw! <3
I saw this really cute hedgehog when I was walking the dog. It's really a long time since I've seen one alive, and it was mostly curled up in a ball. This little fellow didn't run away when I came at it with my phone. (Sorry about the quality, btw. It's taken with a 2 MP Nokia-camera.)
But I can't really believe how fast this school year has past by. I've developed my self so much in one year and learned so much more than I've ever learned in my 9-10 years of primary and lower secondary school (is it called so?). And everything so fast, that I can't believe that there only 2 years left, and then I'll have to attend an university. It's a great, but also a scary feeling.
I hope for a just as great new school year after the summer holidays. Here are some pic's to remind this one:
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Me and my worshippers. :D |
Maryam. <3 :* |
Well... it was a very cold winter... again. Here I'm on my way to a girlfriend from my old school, Svenja. |
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To a party. :D |
Okay, I drive bus a lot. And I bore a lot. |
God, I love my girls. <3 |
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Manager (y) |
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Sune! :DD |
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My BF, his buddy and me. |
Anne Mette - my fellow vampire worshipper. <3 |
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Okay, God I look bad at this one, but it was a great day, with super fantastic weather - and that's not something you experience often in Denmark. |
Wauw, it was seriously a great time with a lot of great people... (and God, I must stop doing this pistol-thing with my hand all the time! xD)
Uh, I know this is a little outside the topic, but I want to add some non-relative but very important stuff:
1) True Blood Trailer 2# (!!! 8D)
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